Friday, January 30, 2015

Visual Management Methods Used by the Professionals

In today’s world of I pads and Smartphone’s a lot of companies usually go for the high-tech versions of things like touch screen monitors and ultra high speed internet. So if someone goes to their office and tells them that they only need to use a simple board to improve their productivity they may start laughing at the person saying it.

But if you get down to the basics a visual management board is all a company needs in order to get their processes in tip top shape. The first people who invented the visual board for use in businesses are as usual the Japanese. Engineers from Toyota was buying supplies at a grocery store when they saw that the stock clerks were putting pieces of paper indicating what supplies are about to run out. These way the supply clerks will see what was about to run out and supply it immediately. This way the inventory was always Just in Time. So no space was being wasted by putting too much supply of a product at one time. That means that other products can be displayed.

This was then used by the Engineers from Toyota to make their inventory better because as you know cars take up a lot of space and their warehouses should be optimally used. The process was so successful that other companies started using their boards or Kanban boards as they call it there, to improve their processes. Now this process invented by those brilliant Toyota engineers is now called Lean management, and in the heart of it all is the Visual Board.

Since everything now is being shifted towards the interne, the same thing is being done to the Visual Board. Now boards are digital and can be configure to cater to your businesses needs, since it is digital there is no limit to the number of process you can put into it. You can create groups, sub groups, and so on and so forth. Most boards now can also be hooked up on to the internet, now even if your offices are between continents, they can coordinate with each in order to fully optimize your production.

There are a lot digital board makers right now, but the one I use is from a company called Leankor, you can find their website at and you can talk to their super friendly customer service personnel that will assist you with any question you have about digital boards.

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